eBay+Printful integration
eBay marketplace
With over 109.4M monthly visitors, eBay is an industry leader with years of experience in ecommerce.
eBay print-on-demand
Printful's integration makes it easy to become an eBay seller. Turn your idea into a product with no inventory!
Type | Marketplace |
Setup time | Slow |
Price | Free to start, percentage-based transaction fee + $0.35 listing fee per product |
Best for | Small businesses |
Products pushed to store | Yes |
Displays "out of stock" | No |
Live shipping rates | No |
Open source | No |
How to integrate eBay with Printful

Some important things to note
- Creating an account on eBay is free. There are no subscription fees, but eBay charges 10% of every sale made and a $ 0.35 listing fee.
- eBay supports only flat rates—live shipping rates aren't available.
- Your eBay listings are global—once you add products to your store, they'll be synced with eBay's marketplaces across the world.
- Fixed prices only—Printful services aren't available for auctions.
- New eBay users have a limit of 10 product variants within a listing and a total of $500 in retail value.
Why sell on eBay with Printful?
Print-on-demand products you can dropship on eBay
Conquer the eBay marketplace with customized products
Visit our product catalog to see full list of products
Start an eBay store with the Printful integration
Get started with the eBay+Printful integration and connect your store
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