Blog / Marketing tips / How to Write An About Us Page That Rocks
Blog / Marketing tips / How to Write An About Us Page That Rocks
The main problem with online store About Us pages is that they often only focus on the business. Talking about your own brand seems like the right idea, but your About Us page should be more than that.
It’s your space to explain why your target audience should emotionally invest in your business. It’s about why you’re the best person to solve your customers’ problems. In the world of ecommerce, that’s what you’re doing—building trust and creating a product that people are looking for.
But genuinely connecting with your target market requires aligning your values, telling your story, and making the right promises. Your About Us page is a place where you can show potential customers exactly what you’re like.
In this article, you’ll learn about:
Let’s jump right in!
A good About Us page expresses your brand’s identity and highlights the people behind it.
This can include:
How you started your business
What makes you and your business unique
Your brand values and beliefs
Why online shoppers should choose you
Take a look at the About Us page of Form, a yoga mat store. It’s laser-focused on what matters—the two ideas built into Form’s mission.
Source: Form
Telling your story and sharing your values through an About Us page is a powerful way to build trust with your potential customers.
Because after reading it, they’re more emotionally invested in your brand. If a shopper can relate to your values, hardships, or victories, you’ll start to build a relationship with them.
Having an About Us page is crucial when building relationships with your community, especially if you’re just starting a clothing brand or a similar customer-focused company. If you’re still not sure if you need this page for your online business, here are a few more reasons:
About Us pages have seen a huge increase in traffic over recent years. Why is that?
People are becoming more conscious about where they spend their money and which businesses they choose to support. So it’s crucial to create a page that provides that information to your potential customers.
No one else is running a business like yours for the same reasons that you are. Your About Us page is a great place to share this.
An authentic story sets you apart from the competition, and customers expect to learn about it on your About Page.
Your About Us page gives you a chance to affirm exactly who you are and how you want to be perceived by the world. In fact, your About Us page should be the purest representation of your brand.
For example, Axel Arigato is a minimalist fashion brand focused on community events like pop-ups, album signings, and magazine launches. Their About Us page branding combines the minimal style and social involvement of the brand.
Source: Axel Arigato
Keep reading for some tips on setting up your About Us page to truly reflect your brand!
Your About Us page can include whatever is most important to your brand. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ll provide some suggestions and examples to help you choose the best ideas.
But remember that this list is by no means exhaustive. Depending on your industry, there may be more things that you’d like to include to assert your brand’s position in the market.
Find your company’s UVP (unique value proposition) and draw attention to it by building your About Us page around it. For example, if your product is designed for an underserved niche, focus on why these customers are your focus.
If your unique selling point is that your products are made from sustainable materials, explain why that’s important to your brand. Read up on our tips to communicate your sustainability message clearly.
Identifying your UVP can be challenging if you didn’t start your business having it in mind. Consider your strengths and core competencies—what can you do better than anyone else? Remember, your UVP should be clear and specific so customers immediately understand the value you offer.
The human eye is naturally drawn to faces. By including the people behind your brand, you can somewhat control where your reader looks.
This also gives your brand a human touch, creating a stronger connection with your customers. A photo of your entire team or, if you’re a solopreneur, a simple profile shot of yourself should be enough to put a physical face to the company.
As mentioned earlier, your brand story is what makes you stand out. There is no other story quite like yours, so it’s important that you draw attention to it.
Software company Morningscore does this by explaining the struggle that created the brand in the first place, taking the reader back to the company’s inception.
Source: Morningscore
As an ecommerce business owner, storytelling is your best friend. Focus your story around important events in your brand’s history, such as:
How you came up with the idea for your brand
When you sold your first product
When you made your first 100 sales
How you hired your first employee
But this isn’t the only way to share your story. Take a look at the simple approach of the makeup and skincare brand 100% Pure. They lead with their mission above all else, showing how much it matters to the brand’s identity.
Source: 100% Pure
Brand storytelling lets you connect with your audience through shared values. It’s also one of the most powerful ways to breathe life into your brand. So be honest and real about your journey, your company, and your ideas.
No matter how tempting it might be, don’t write a story that stretches over 2K words—customers probably won’t read it all anyway. Instead, keep it short, relevant, and on point. Avoid being too self-praising and getting off the topic.
For online brands, transparency in manufacturing is a necessity, not an option. Using sustainable materials or paying above minimum wage is the bare minimum, and buyers want to know the details of how you run your company.
Embrace this, and show it off to the world.
Something as simple as a handful of photos of your product being manufactured can be enough to give curious customers a glimpse into your process.
Here you can see how fashion label INTO THE AM does just that:
Consider using behind the scenes photos along with some text to explain the production process of your items. This leaves your readers feeling that they know exactly what they’re buying and exactly where it comes from.
If you’re a Printful customer, make sure to check out our production footage page. We’ve created a gallery full of photos and videos to help your customers get a closer look at how your products are made.
You’d be surprised to learn how much better some customers feel after learning where your business is based. Mentioning where you’re from can further build trust with people in that area.
“Oh, they’re located in Sacramento, I used to holiday there!”
Don’t hesitate to mention the location of your office and where your product is shipped from because it can help customers feel safe enough to buy from you.
Here’s how Printful solves the “I’m worried it’ll take me ages to get my product” problem:
Source: Printful
The answer: “Our in-house fulfillment centers and partner facilities are located all over the world. It won’t take long.”
What’s the next thing you want your customers to do once they finish reading your About Us page? You probably don’t want to leave them at the bottom of the page with nothing to do.
Create a CTA to send them back to your shop, include a contact form, or get them to sign up for your newsletter.
The bottom of your About Us page is a place where your reader is active and engaged with your brand, so use it wisely.
“Above the fold” is the part of the website that’s visible before a user has to scroll. As you’d imagine, this point varies depending on the device and screen size.
But why should you care about it?
Any marketer in the world of ecommerce knows that capturing people’s attention is only part of the job—keeping their attention is just as important. Designing your About Us page with valuable content above the fold encourages your customers to scroll down and explore the rest of the page.
You can find the average fold line on your website manually. Visit your site on a range of devices, using different browsers, and see where the page usually cuts off.
Here’s how the Patagonia website looks when opened on Google Chrome using a 13-inch computer screen:
Source: Patagonia
However, if you want to learn where the average fold line is on your website based on user behavior, you should probably use tools like Hotjar.
Once you’ve created a killer About Us page, share it with the world. But don’t forget to update it every once in a while.
A well-written About Us page can build trust in ways that no other page can. But an old, outdated page shows neglect and destroys trust. To avoid this, get into the habit of updating it every 6 months or so.
There’s a lot more you can do and experiment with, so don’t be afraid to try different things. You may like to put a video on your page or have a contact form on there too.
Only you can determine what’s best for you and your brand through regular testing and assessment!
Awesome, you now know what to add to an About Us page, but is there something you should leave out? Of course!
Save the hype for social media. Your About Us page is meant to build a rapport and bond with your customers. You won’t do that by saying how you met Elon Musk’s former roommate, or explaining how your product is going to disrupt an industry.
Avoid talking about how special you are—focus on what your mission is and how it’ll help your customers and the world.
For that same reason, don’t use your About Us page to sell.
While those who end up on this page may be interested in your product, right now, they’re interested in you. Keep the focus on your brand as an entity and what makes you unique and important. Your product features and competitive prices will be important later on in the customer journey.
Nothing can beat learning from real-life examples. So let’s take a look at some of the best About Us pages for ecommerce brands, and see why they’re good.
Source: Happy Socks
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you visit the About Us page of Happy Socks?
Color is something that the Happy Socks brand is incredibly well known for. All their products are bright, eye-catching, and . . . happy. Their About Us page perfectly represents the brand.
Try finding new ways to introduce your brand to the world. Your About Us page is the right place to show off your company’s culture or sense of humor.
Tunnel Bear is a VPN service with an im-paws-ibly cute image. To introduce team members, they use bear icons and pun names instead of regular headshots. This fun way of showing off their team gives you an insight into their culture.
Source: Tunnel Bear
Think Crucial is a marketplace that sells almost everything you need around the house, but don’t want to spend big bucks on. Batteries, filters, ink, everything you need to be a responsible adult.
While what ThinkCrucial does isn’t that new, the team does a great job at showing why they’re different.
Source: Think Crucial
Unlike their competition, they give back to the environment. In an industry that’s all about consumption (literally, they sell consumables), they give back to the earth.
By working with an environmental charity, they can build relationships with customers who share their values. As a result, customers leave the page knowing more about the company and feeling empowered that their decisions are keeping the world green.
The clothing brand dogecore talks the way their customers do—with deadpan delivery and chronically online humor. They create funny print-on-demand apparel designs themed around internet culture.
Source: dogecore
Not only is their About Us page an ideal representation of the brand, but it’s also completely straightforward. Their identity and story are obvious and relatable.
Crafting an About Us page doesn’t have to be hard work. Just remember to give customers a glimpse into your story, highlighting the whats, hows, and whys of your brand. Be honest and pick your words wisely. Most importantly, don’t forget to be human.
Let your creativity flow, and don’t be afraid to express a little emotion. The more real you are, the easier it is to connect with your brand, and that’s what keeps customers coming back.
What are some of the best About Us pages you’ve seen? Let us know in the comments!
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